Public expectations for the elevator security legislation Regulation


With the increasing level of urbanization in our country and the people's living standards, the elevator has become the production people, live without vertical transport, in improving public life and production efficiency and quality, while its safety has become a livelihood project that the security situation of great public and media attention.

By the end of 2013, the national total in the elevator reached 2.45 million units, and at a rate of about 20% per year growth. Annual increase of the number of elevators in about 30 million units, accounting for more than half of the world's total annual new elevator. With the number of elevators in Beijing, Shanghai and several other cities over 15 million units since 2004, a decade more than sevenfold increase of the number of elevators.

With the increasing number of elevators, elevator accident incidence is rising year by year. According to the State Administration of Quality Supervision accident investigation center, deputy Renwu Xu being introduced, so the surge in the number of elevator elevator safety facing a very severe situation. Since 2005, the average annual number of elevator accident in 40 cases, the death toll at 30 people. Elevator million units in the accident rate and the number of million units of mortality is increased year by year trend. With the increase in elevator accident, deletions and lift regulatory loopholes in the laws and regulations are also exposed.

September 14, Xiamen Overseas Chinese University Classroom Building C4 elevator suddenly fails, a senior boys unfortunately die. Faced with sudden tragedy, the victims parents found it difficult to accept: "This kind of thing should not happen on campus, why the school does not have to lift regular maintenance and supervision that led to the current tragedy?" Many parents also expressed "elevator accident not only related to product quality, lack of regulation is the cause of the tragedy, hope the relevant departments as soon as possible to improve the relevant system, elevator security legislation rules, do not let the tragedy."

I visited the survey found that over ninety percent of people expressed support for the proposed security legislation elevator regulations. Deputy Secretary General of China Elevator Association Zhangyue Xiang said: "elevator safety one by quality, and on the management of the enterprise, while the good quality, the government should improve elevator safety laws and regulations to protect the interests of the people from the system.."

In findings published in the elevator accident, "manufacturing defect", "over-age service", "maintenance formality" elevator accidents and other reasons it is often the culprit. But these floating on the surface of the problem compared to lift behind the frequent accidents, system vulnerabilities, relevant laws and regulations lag, lack of elevator safety supervision necessary regulatory constraints and specialized departments is worth attention and reflection. Face lift accidents frequently occur, people expect the Government to establish and improve the relevant legal system, strengthen supervision of elevator safety regulatory constraints, and effectively protect people's lives and property, in order to mobilize the whole society's attention to elevator safety.